When a man stands in front of the plant that sent your jobs away, and promises you he will bring that job back, when he celebrates himself as a messiah, a do-er away of corruption and a drainer of the swamp, he stands tall as a seeming champion of the average america. He promises to make America great again.

The problem is that Donald Trump is a liar, and if he isn't then he's clearly unfit to serve.

White identity and the identity of the middle class has increasingly found itself in the foray of American politics. Although it may not seem the highest of talking points amidst a flurry of scandal, resignation, and violence, its degradation helps to understand how we got here.

Why did Donald Trump sweep so many purple states? Maybe it's simpler than we think. White, middle class Americans feel threatened. A black president, a rapid increase in the power of the voices of the few, an increasingly interconnected world rendering all of us less dependant on a nation, and more citizen of a world. Their jobs sent to countries we once warred with, their children seeing earning potential decline, stagnant wages, they are angry.

And of course they should be. When Donald Trump took a crowd of Michiganders and stood in front of Ford's plant, and denounced their intentions to "harm the middle class" these people saw hope. They saw a chance to unite, a solidarity among white Americans left behind by an increasingly globalized world.

The problem is Donald trump is a liar,

In 100 days we have seen nothing but a hellish disdain for the middle class. We've seen the destruction of healthcare legislation keeping millions insured, a repeal in our online privacy, the resignation of high ranking officials, the FBI investigating a president for what very well could be treason... We've seen priorities become not our crumbling infrastructure or the shrinking of the middle class, but feverish attempts to bar Muslims from entering our country and military action once criticized by the man himself.

Millions spent on golfing at a retreat owned by himself, funneling taxpayer money into his own businesses he hasn't divested from while he ignores the irony of his actions.

Donald Trump is not a truthful man. His intentions are clear, the swamp is being drained into his pockets, and we're going down with it,
